En quelques mots
Ce souterrain voûté date de 1848. Il s'étend sur 65 mètres de profondeur, 0,90 mètre de large et 1,60 mètre de hauteur permet d'accéder au captage d'une source pour alimenter le réservoir situé derrière l'église. Celui-ci alimentait, avant l'adduction d'eau réalisée en 1974, les bornes fontaines disséminées dans le village. Site inaccessible.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This vaulted underground passageway dates from 1848. It is 65 metres deep, 0.90 metres wide and 1.60 metres high. It provides access to a spring to supply the reservoir located behind the church. Before the water supply system was installed in 1974, this reservoir supplied the fountains scattered around the village. Inaccessible site.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This vaulted underground passageway dates from 1848. It is 65 metres deep, 0.90 metres wide and 1.60 metres high. It provides access to a spring to supply the reservoir located behind the church. Before the water supply system was installed in 1974, this reservoir supplied the fountains scattered around the village. Inaccessible site.